Environmentally Conscious Service
As A Green Mercedes-Benz Service Center We Are Proud To Be Part Of The Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program
Marlow Mercedes-Werks is a family-owned and operated Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Sprinter and SMART Car facility. Not only do we work in picturesque Monterey County, we also are fortunate to live and play in this beautiful corner of California. Our priorities are achieving exemplary customer satisfaction and being good stewards of the environment by operating an eco-friendly auto repair business.
We Are a Certified Green
Auto Repair Shop
In our quest to leave the smallest possible environmental footprint, we have completed all of the required steps to become a certified member of the Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program. In addition to an exhaustive application process, program experts conducted an onsite assessment of our repair facility.
They evaluated our shop, our policies and our procedures to confirm our business is in full compliance with all U.S. and state environmental regulations, as well as the rigorous standards set forth by the Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program. We passed with flying colors!

Going Green Makes A Measurable Difference
Businesses that go green provide concrete benefits to the environment and to their neighbors. According to the Green Business Program, in one year, the program’s nearly 3,000 members reduced VOCs responsible for air pollution by 2,830 pounds and greenhouse gas emissions by 170,000 tons. They diverted more than 212.6 million cubic yards of solid waste from landfills. They also saved 1,782 gallons of fuel, more than 30.3 million gallons of water and more than 38.25 million kWh of energy.
These are significant numbers representing real progress. We are proud of our continued commitment to lowering pollution and saving valuable natural resources by being a green auto repair shop.
What Does It Mean To Be An Eco Friendly Auto Repair Shop?
“Going green” means different things to different businesses. When we say we’re an environmentally conscious auto repair shop, here are a few concrete examples of steps we have taken to go green:
- Switched from petroleum naptha solvent parts cleaners to water-based parts cleaners.
- Implemented spill-containment procedures to minimize the potential for oil, coolants, and other materials to enter the sewer system.
- Practice a paperless policy whenever possible.
- Instituted a recycling program and are always looking for opportunities to reduce waste.
- Installed low-flow faucets and toilets to save water.
- Planted drought-resistant landscaping that we water with an environmentally sound drip-irrigation system.
- Capture storm water runoff from our parking lot so it doesn’t enter the storm drains that flow to the ocean.
- Replaced T-12 light bulbs with T-8 light bulbs.
Our quest to go green is ongoing. We continue to identify ways we can reduce our impact on the environment and do our part to help protect the pristine beauty of the Monterey Peninsula.

We Are a Certified Green Auto Repair Shop
If you want unparalleled, specialized service for your Mercedes and want to support a business that’s passionate about the environment, the choice is our Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Sprinter and SMART Car facility. We invite you to contact us today for a consultation.

Free Wireless Internet
Available in our Waiting Room

Free Courtesy Shuttle
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3 Year/ 36,000 Mile
Nationwide warranty